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apply photo filter by default

 I assume that it's not possible to apply a photo filter, such as greyscale, by default to any uploaded photo?

Since we want to do laserengraving onto metal (which naturally isn't possible in color) we would like

all uploaded photos to automatically be converted into greyscale

5 people like this idea

This hopefully can be very easy to implement - we are in the same situation.  Laser engraved products require an online preview in greyscale. 

Hi Etienne, same happens to me!

4 years and the problem remains. The balck and white filter is another grayscale filter. For png with setting the filter with brightness 0 is enough to make it work. Is there any possibility to apply a custom filter?

Hey, i have the same question too. We provide customized engraved products on our website. And engraving only supports black output. I tried defining the filter in the custom image options but it displayed something like this http://prntscr.com/h28hjrBut for engraving purpose we need some sketch effects once an image is uploaded by customer https://prnt.sc/h274w0

another issue, if i enable any filter under default element options, it sets all uploads on same effect while we need to set effects individually on products. Is there any solution you can provide? We are willing to get this app customized as per our needs. 

Is it been updated? Does not appears the Fancy prodcut Designer Plugin to be updated to 3.5.4

You can define a default filter in the Custom Image Options under Default Element Options settings.

Included in V3.5.4

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