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Fancy + Shopify = ?

Is it possible to use fancy on shopify?

2 people like this idea

Hi, Any news on the shopify app ?

Touch plus what app is that on your test link ? 


Hey Rady,

Do you have any news on this? I love some of woocommerce features, it just seems bloated! I prefer shopify for the actual payment methods.

This is currently a test I set up: http://touchplusfootball.co.uk/shop/shirt/academy/?start_customizing 

Maybe, it will be worth having a "add to quote" button instead of the cart.. if I don't want to use woocommerce?


Currently I am working with another company on a Shopify solution, so stay tuned. If everything is gonna to work, we will release a solution at the end of September.

Has anyone figured out a work around for this? Sadly, I bought the plugin already and didn't think to check if it worked with Shopify.

No sorry.

Thank you for the quick response.

Do you have an approximate time for when it's done?


Currently there is no app for Shopify, but we are in contact with a Shopify agency that will offer our solution for Shopify in near future.

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