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SVG Settings

My .svg files have not been working on my site for quite sometime.  The display, scale, move etc but on click they do not allow you to change the color of the various paths like when I first started using this plug in 2014 

My question is does anyone have any tips on how to create svg's in Adobe Illustrator?  Which settings? etc.  

Best Answer

Yep... Just the one color swatch not separate color paths as you did...


1 person has this question


Thanks... I uploaded the AnchorsBack.svg to my site and made sure the Color Picker for every Path was set to Yes.

There must be another conflict because on the front end I am still unable to see color options for each path.

I attached screens




Thanks for your file.... I uploaded it to my site and made sure to check off Yes on the Colorpicker

I'm guessing I may have some other conflict because I still can not change the colors from the front end.

Ah I see. Ok try the svg I've attached, if color picker for all paths flag is set you should be able to see all colours from the file.

(725 Bytes)
Hi... Yes... I get the email alerts and update every immediately... I get one color picker, regardless of number or paths in the svg and even then the svg doesn't change colors. I believe Radykal looked sometime last year and said the svgs had errors. So my assumption is I'm not saying them correctly in Illustrator as it seems I'm the only one not able to use svgs
Hi there,

have you been upgrading FPD regularly? The reason why I ask is that there's a "color picker for every path" flag for svgs (under color tab) that I don't think was in previous versions.


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