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Show Color Names NOT Hex Codes in Order Viewer and Color Names in PDF Page

Our workflow has come to a complete stop due to color's selected in product builder not showing their 'textual' values in both builder view and .PDF view when an order is placed. 

Order Viewer Screenshot - http://prnt.sc/cl0wle

Showing hex codes have names associates - http://prnt.sc/cl0x47

3 people like this idea

Included in V3.6.3

Any Idea how to do this 

It would be great if someone could help with this!

Yeah its been 10 months and i've had to renew support twice in hopes to have this possible but crickets and excuses from developers - sucks BIG TIME :/

I can imagine that it's difficult to implement this with the random name we entered at the settings. But a script which changes a HEX code into a random name just for the confirmation mail would help for now. Like a script for the woocommerce order output value "if variation_id == '#009B77' then output 'Pantone355" for example. Let's hope someone will find a solution for this...

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