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Need to charge an additional cost for a front & back print.


I am using plugin for users to create their own t-shirt. I want to be able to charge an additional price (add $6) if user adds a design on the Front AND Back of the shirt.

I thought this would have have come standard with the plugin as all other t-shirt designer websites charge extra for front & back prints. Who else wants this?

Best Answer

Good deal. Glad it works.

1. I use a free plugin called WooCommerce Variation Swatches

2. It's a setting in FPD -> UI Layout & Composer -> Toolbar -> Placement. Yours is probably set to Dynamic.

2 people have this question

Brandon, my FPD doesn't add the price of the shirt again when they add a back. I did go into the back of the shirt in the product designer and went to the back view and set an uncharge if the user adds text or an image and then made a max additional cost so it only charges for either text or image and not both if they're both added. But, I don't think this is what you're talking about. Please explain what you meant more?

On yours, you have "color" and "sides." Are these woo commerce variations? I have the plus module which allows for selecting different colors outside of the designer window but the color on yours looks like a variation. Also, how do your variations have images? Mine has a dropdown list.

Sorry for so many questions but you're helping me through something that has been really difficult here at the end of setting it up. Why does your designer have slide out panels for text, graphics, etc.? Mine uses a lightbox for everything even editing text.

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