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Loading Spinner/Progress Bar and warning text when customer hit "finish and add to cart" button


When customer hit "finish and add to cart" button, after finishing his customization, he needs to wait until the product is built. Sometimes it takes a while, depends on how large are elements of the product.  

Can we have a blank page with loading spinner/ progress bar and warning text "Your product/t-shirt/card is loading. Please wait a moment, do not leave or refresh that page until it is finished ", after hitting "finish and add to cart" button?

Right now we have only loading spinner on the customization button but it's not enough. My customers didn't know they have to wait and went too early to checkout so the whole design was not saved and I got only clean product with no customization. 

1 person likes this idea

You marked this feature request as an implemented but there is really no difference between v 3.9.3. and v.3.9.4. regarding loading spinner. Any chance that you would consider to make this feature anytime soon, please? It is essential if your clients upload big files which need time to upload... 

The spinner inside the product designer will be displayed, not a full page spinner.

After upgrading to v3.9.4 I can't see any difference. We still have only spinner on the button which was there before...  I was expecting something similar to to the action you can see when product designer is initialized. :


Included in V3.9.4

I don't currently use the "finish and add to cart", but if I will one day, this definitely sounds like a must. Hope it will be implemented.

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