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Product not fitting in lightbox

Not sure why you deleted my other topic, but the product is not fitting in lightbox for doyle theme, it's going out the bottom, any ideas? Maybe you can politely answer without disrespectfully deleting my request?

So that's it then? This is a useless plugin on mobile. Got it.

Several products. Is it important? Mainly phone cases
What product?

1400x1400px is ideal

What size you need?

Yeah I can't do that as it needs to be a certain minimum size. I guess I'll find another plugin.

Only workaround is making the canvas size smaller.
I guess the managers don't look here anymore. :)

Any other workaround for this?

That somewhat worked, but the phone/product is still large and the user has to scroll, I'd rather have it fit on screen if possible. But great work still!

The problem is being caused by css related to the top menu bar. I have added the following to my child theme css and it has resolved the issue. So far can't see any drawbacks to it...

.fpd-ui-theme-doyle.fpd-modal-product-designer>.fpd-modal-wrapper>.fpd-container {height: 110% !important;}

You may have to play about with the percentage to fit your own product.

Just checking this and for example an iPhone 7 case in templates the canvas size is 440x660px. This would be correct if you convert mm to pixels as the iphone 7 height is 138.3mm which would be 522.70px and width is 67.1mm which is 253.60 so it should give you plenty of room at that size. So the canvas size would be fine however just noticed what your issue is, and I'm getting the same using the template settings so will have to try figure it out tomorrow. See attached image...

Aynı sorun bende de var? :(


I'll login shortly and tell you the settings I've setup which works well.

And I just downloaded their premade template products, it works, but the only reason it works is because they are 400x600 pixels which is way too small for what I need.

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