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Better PDF support

Better PDF creation would be a great addition to this plugin.

If it is to be taken seriously by the print industry, then the PDFs that are exported really need to have fonts embedded.

The whole point of an online designer is that it saves the Printer/Webstore owner time. If they have to recreate a product from scratch to send to print then its not really saving time.

Not a criticism, just my view as to where the plugin is lacking.

Overall a very, very good piece of software.

32 people like this idea

Any news on this? Honestly, without this the plugin is quite useless, even though it's frontend is one of the best...

Hello Again Team Radykal,
it has been some time that you confirmed to implement the "better PDF export" feature, so possibly by now you have a better understanding of what you are planning to accomplish and how far you have progressed.

Can you PLEASE give us a rough estimation when you think this additional feature could be released?

Are we talking about three months, six months, a year ?


survey completed!


 I created a survey to get a better understanding of your business and what features mandatory for improved export methods.


Not all hope is lost, read the comments here: https://www.facebook.com/web.radykal/posts/10154445160676768


This feature is said to be planned: excellent! Any information on an ETA?

I just bought this Plugin - has great potential, BUT the EXPORT  PDF, Image is too low resolution to be of any use. Also needs to be an Editable PDF to be of any great value. Will not be using this Plugin until this export PDF is resolved. Please can you put all your resources into fixing this issue. Great work otherwise. Do you have an ETA of this PDF quality improvement update?

If this is to be implemented there should be bleed lines of at least 3mm both on front-end, back-end and production ready PDF file. This is vital! PDF production ready file with 3mm bleed lines and at the very least PDF/X-4a:2010 colour profile!



could you at least give us some hint whether you are working on this, or not?


Isn't a high quality, JPG good enough?

True PDF export is the most critical feature missing from FPD for my needs. Hoping it can be solved soon. I agree with earlier posts that it would be worth extra $$ for a pro version. 

Let me explain my last question: I work in a 43 year old printing company, this is - as you can imagine - of extreme importance. If you have an ETA, then I can plan the release of the service a bit better. Perhaps it compensates to wait some weeks or months in order to launch a better service from the beginning... Thanks!


Since this is planned, do you have any ETA, even if it is just an estimation and not an exact ETA?


I would suggest two versions - a basic version (the one available today) and a pro-version with advanced export and automatisation which could be around $99-$199 (to be fair, a similar plugin for Magento costs around $500 but has fewer users, so the price range reflects the assumed higher volume).

I would also gladly pay an up-sell for an advanced PDF exporter, or pay for a second plugin entirely.