An Upload Zone is a rectangular area that allows to add a custom element (image or text) into it. An Upload Zone can only store on element at the same time.

Creating an Uplod Zone is quite easy, you can use any image (PNG or JPEG) which is the placeholder image. When an user clicks on this image, the "Add Element" dialog will be shown and here the user can select an element. You can activate an image element as Upload Zone with the uploadZone property.

{top: 100, 
left: 50, 
uploadZone: true, //enable upload zone
uploadZoneMovable: false //can upload zone be moved

You can even decide what kind of elements can be added into the Upload Zone by using the customAdds property:

uploadZone: true,
customAdds: {
designs: false, //designs module is disabled
texts: true, //only text module is allowed
uploads: false //no image uploads