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Disable italic/bold buttons when fonts for these styles not available.

It is really annoying when using the PRO export feature because your plugin allows users to apply bold/italic style even when fonts for these styles are not really there, it causes font errors when exporting every time. Please disable italic/bold buttons when fonts for these styles are not available.

5 people like this idea

Yea we have same problem any solution on this. We bought the PRO plugin after used ADMIN solution for a while. And we are happy with the support and plugin. But this one needs to be fixed. 

1 person likes this

Me too, i need to render the Bold/italic font that people use, not with an error in export.

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Yes please, I have the exact same problem.

1 person likes this

We can only add that for custom fonts. The used library for loading the fonts from google webfonts does not have a feature to detect if a google font supports a specific variant.

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