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Fancy Product Designer Multistep Product Configurator

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Basic form

I think it's really necessary that the basic FPD FORM will be able to add some more fields. That the user can edit the number of product he wants to buy and the price change dynamically.

17 people like this idea


FPD is now unlimited!

I'll put together a ton of business on the internet!

Thank you Radycal!

Absolutely. The two main things are better PDF export quality and compatibility with Gravity Forms, that is, better backend functionality.

The developers know this and are working hard to achieve this. They do a great job.


Hi all,
I'll use the plugin in Wordpress to make a contest so I need more information from the players.
Is there a way to customize the core (like I see there is no option for that in the settings) or maybe some of you already found another solution for that?
Thanks for your help.

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