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Text element in order details

Is it possible to have the element "text" (which the customer enters) in the order details? The element (and also the element properties) are visible in the email, but I really would like to have this information also in my order details.

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Best Answer

There is only this option, WooCommerce tab in the settings:



I need this information too in back office.

For now, i change this file : fancy-product-designer\woo\class-wc-admin-order.php

After this

<a href="#" class='button button-secondary fpd-show-order-item' data-order_id='<?php echo $post_id; ?>' data-order_item_id='<?php echo $item_id; ?>'><?php _e( 'Load in Order Viewer', 'radykal' ); ?></a>

I add



$fpd_data = isset($item['_fpd_data']) ? $item['_fpd_data'] : $item['fpd_data'];

$fpd_data = is_array($fpd_data) ? $fpd_data['fpd_product'] : $fpd_data;

$order = json_decode(stripslashes($fpd_data), true);

if( fpd_get_option('fpd_order_show_element_props') === 'used_colors' ) {

    echo '<div style="margin-top:10px;">'.implode('', FPD_WC_Cart::get_display_elements( $order['product'], 'used_colors' )).'</div>';


else {

    $display_elements = FPD_WC_Cart::get_display_elements( $order['product'] );

    foreach($display_elements as $display_element) {

        echo '<div style="margin: 10px 0; clear: both;"><p style="font-weight: bol;font-size:0.95em; margin: 10px 0 0px;">'.$display_element['title'].':</p>'.$display_element['values'].'</div>';





This code is not mine. Is in this file : fancy-product-designer\woo\class-wc-order.php

I think it's easy to add that in the plugin.

But i have some problem:

  1. I need the name of the field (because i have 3 custom text field)
  2. I generate a bill and purchase order and nothing appear on that
  3. It's not "clean"

I just begin to work with this plugin (3 days).

















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 I am wondering too, why the text is not shown in the order details:


I need the details right there.

We really need to be able to see the entered text and the ID/name of the image selected from the designs, both in the order view screen (saved as meta data so we can include in CSV export). Is this possible?

So text is absolute not possible to show in order details (so added to Color, Font and size)

Yes, and that is indeed visible and saved - don't really know why they don't also save text input as well. The text is visible in the cart - but not in the order details.


There is only this option, WooCommerce tab in the settings:


This is really not possible?

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