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Old orders taking up a lot of space in DB

After 1 year of using FPD actively, our MySQL-database is over 3GB (!) of FPD-data. All the design details of every view made is stored in "woocommerce_order_itemmeta". This is in turn causing a lot of problems with other plugins and database-backups. 

Can you make is so data is cleared after a given time interval, perhaps every 2-3 months?

Everyone here with many orders will get serious problems with this eventually. We just had a crash and lost a couple of orders because of this issue, and spent a day getting back on track. Right now we have to struggle with MySQL-commands to clear this data, or delete the orders entirely, which makes us lose all our statistics. 

This is also requested here: https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000021221



Best Answer

If you only want to delete the meta from an order, you can only do that manually by going into the woocommerce_order_itemmeta database table and seach for all meta keys in meta_key column that starts with _fpd_.

1 person has this question

The _fpd_data is stored in woocommerce_order_itemmeta table.

I would recommend adding an option to automatically (or manually from Settings) remove some of this information, or stop including the images (base 64) – we still have the uploaded files, so I'm not sure why you would need images encoded like this at all?

If you don't change this behavior it will eventually impact every user, as long as they get enough orders. We got to 3GB pretty fast, and it has caused a lot of trouble for our server and site.


But I think everybody envolved in this discussion already knew that.

What I would like to know is if I can somehow to delete certain orders from woocommerce_order_itemmeta table.

Example: delete all orders until 30 November 2019.

Important: basic info of the orders should remain in woocommerce admin. (customer info & products ordered)

Thanks a lot for responding. I really hope you can find a solution, my database is over 6Gb because of woocommerce_order_itemmeta (5.8Gb)

I am finding this same issue. Lots of 504 errors as the site is timing out due to large database. Deleting orders is not an option for obvious reasons. I just need to be able to specifically delete the fpd order meta data older than necessary to keep. Has anybody managed this yet?

Yes this only holds some order data for FPD plugin and not any other relevant data for your website.

I have the same problem. I was hoping to solve that one as well...

If anyone has the solution to the problem I will appreciate sharing. Thanks 

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