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Old orders taking up a lot of space in DB

After 1 year of using FPD actively, our MySQL-database is over 3GB (!) of FPD-data. All the design details of every view made is stored in "woocommerce_order_itemmeta". This is in turn causing a lot of problems with other plugins and database-backups. 

Can you make is so data is cleared after a given time interval, perhaps every 2-3 months?

Everyone here with many orders will get serious problems with this eventually. We just had a crash and lost a couple of orders because of this issue, and spent a day getting back on track. Right now we have to struggle with MySQL-commands to clear this data, or delete the orders entirely, which makes us lose all our statistics. 

This is also requested here: https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000021221



Best Answer

If you only want to delete the meta from an order, you can only do that manually by going into the woocommerce_order_itemmeta database table and seach for all meta keys in meta_key column that starts with _fpd_.

1 person has this question

What's the SQL query to delete meta data before a certain date? 

So, just to be sure, can I delete all the meta columns that starts with _fpd_ without affecting the website?

Can you explain what are they doing just to understand if I can delete all or only the old ones?

1.  _fpd_product_thumbnail (a lot of those)

2.  _fpd_data

3.  _fpd_print_order (where the meta value is something about fonts)

4.  _fpd_print_order (where there is no meta value - a lot of those)

I already deleted most of the _fpd_data, except the ones corresponding to the orders made in the last two months and the table is now under 1Gb. Can I delete the rest without affecting the website. 

@thomas vert, no quick solution yet.

I didn't had the time to clear the database lately, so my woocommerce_order_itemmeta is now 8.1Gb :)

I'm really afraid to start cleaning it because it's a nightmare. You get a lot of server timeout from the server and the website is taking his own timeout.

Probably Radykal has no solution for this problem, but I hope he'll find one pretty soon.

Hello again. It would be really nice to have a proper solution for this problem. My database is now over 6Gb and I cleaned the_fpd_ data from time to time. The process of clearing is extremely time consuming, because you can't delete the meta from new orders and sometimes they seem to be inserted randomly around database.

Deleting the orders is out or question.

So, Radykal, maybe you can help us with a solution.

I thought it could be interesting to:

1.  export old orders

2. delete them

3. import them back without the meta (any idea how to do this?) 

Anyway, I'll test this and if it's working I'll post the solution here.

The meta is going to be deleted as soon as you delete the order from your database. But you need to delete via the wp admin and not via PHPMYADMIN.

Well, that is the problem: If we delete the order we lose all the information about it, all our valuable statistics and customer data. That is not really an option for any serious business.

Perhaps there is something wrong in my installation that makes FPDs db-entries bigger than usual. I see it is writing images as Base64, so ONE views entry to the DB can be 15 MB. 

Look at the attached file. This is from my error log, including one database meta_key value from FPD. That one alone has over 14 million characters!

This can't be right? 


If you only want to delete the meta from an order, you can only do that manually by going into the woocommerce_order_itemmeta database table and seach for all meta keys in meta_key column that starts with _fpd_.

Hi, Radykal, many of us have the same problem. Very BIG and LAZY database. It is unsustainable to continue this.

The question is why some puted pictures are in the database tab woocommerce_order_itemmeta and are not in FTP folder as other pictures? Or why FPD can't block this damned pictures (maybe add some settings in FPD admin) on frontend designer? We hate this problem many years.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


Radykal, can you please explain further about this? Not all of us are very familiar with MySQL/databases, and we do not want to delete something we should not. 

How can I delete un-needed information about OLD orders, without losing information about current orders? If I delete everything with "_fpd_", I will lose orders I am currently working on as well?


Related question, unanswered: https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000021221

Yes please,if Radykal can make it simple to clear the database that can solve a lot of issues. I had to pay extra just to delete older orders from the databad because it has too much tables with heavy info related to FPD. It will be great if you can find a solution to this problem. If it's possible to maybe add some settings in FPD admin that you can clear the data after X month or something like that?

Hello All,

@Andrea / @Costea : Have you found a permanent solution? 

@Radykal : I encounter (like everyone else) the same problem... and my host asks me to reduce the size of this database or else I'll have to pay a more expensive package... (even more expensive). Please suggest something (and not just a plugin we don't know anything about.).



I created a feature request cleaning the DB and the custom uploaded images: https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000028190

I  tried to do what I presented above, but I couldn't make it work.
Radykal, can you help me and the others with a solutions to delete only the old _fpd_data? 

A quick tutorial to delete _fpd_data_  between certain dates at once in phpmyadmin would be really helpful.

Thank you!

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