Posted about 1 month ago by Les-nicettes

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Hi there ! I've got a few questions, hopping you can help me:

- I upgraded the plugin from version 4.8.3 to version 6.4.6 and unfortunately the whole front experience changed. It totally changed the product designer and my custom code is useless now. Is there a way to get back to the old interface but with the actual version ? 

- When a customisation has been done the first image of the product carroussel is updated, is there a way to force the product carroussel to come back to the first image when the button "done" is clicked?

- When a customisation has been made the first image of the product carroussel is updated but not the thumbnail of the product, can we force the update of the thumbnail ?

- In the cart, is there a way to prevent the update of the product thumbnail when no customisation has been made by the customer (never cliqued on the done button) ?

- From the back offiche, is there a way for the admin to modify himself the product designed by a customer ?

Have a good day !

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