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Option to remove uploaded image background

Hi, is there a way if the user upload an image jpeg with a background the plugin will give an option to remove the BG.

Example is this http://www.whooptee.com/designer#   , can see under image processing there is an option to remove white BG.


9 people like this idea

Implemented in version 3.5.1. It includes an advanced image editor to set custom masks, more filters and allow to manipulate the image color of JPEG and PNG images.

It's a great plugin, good structure and well-thought through, but as mentioned by other buyers it's missing the crucial "remove white background" for uploaded customer files, most customers have their logo in .jpg format, so with a white background. It's been a while since it was added to the "feature requests" Any news/updates on this? THX!!

Best Regards


Ben Jin I have been watching this particular plug-in and attempting to get a grade it into one of my clients wordpress/woocommerce shop for over two years, and this key factor is the main reason it never gets completed. I've even paid for a couple of times, and it does not end up getting used I am also a vector art specialist, this plug-in would be very easy to use for someone with my skill set being that you can use it at its peak if you take advantage of the svg file format capabilities. What I'm trying to say is I really wanted to see if work because of all of the wonderful attributes it has. I'm sure that once they get their team to tackle the removal of white From a jpg there will be a huge announcement, I would to subscribe to the newsletter. Or stay on this post but I haven't heard from anyone in a while on this matter

Does it delete the white area from a jpg?

Fingers crossed ;-)

Has anyone figured this out? I am going crazy trying to figure out how to do this!  WHat happens if a customer just adds white text? I am getting a big white box in the "print ready export".... PLEASE HELP!

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