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Add field to display text in "Saved Products" tab

Currently when no products are saved the tab is blank and doesn't display anything.

This isn't ideal in term of UX.

It would be great to have a field in the settings to enter a custom message along the lines of "No custom product saved yet... Create one now!"

... where "Create one now!" would be a link that redirects the user to the custom products page.

Thank you!

Hello there,

Could you please indicate where this was added in v4.1.0?

I'm looking at all the "Labels" but couldn't find anything.

When going into the WooCommerce My Account page and in the FPD Saved Products tab, there is no text displayed and the page is still empty.

Waiting for your feedback.


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Added in 4.1.0

Anyone knows where to find this option?!

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