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Fancy Product Designer Multistep Product Configurator

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Better PDF support

Better PDF creation would be a great addition to this plugin.

If it is to be taken seriously by the print industry, then the PDFs that are exported really need to have fonts embedded.

The whole point of an online designer is that it saves the Printer/Webstore owner time. If they have to recreate a product from scratch to send to print then its not really saving time.

Not a criticism, just my view as to where the plugin is lacking.

Overall a very, very good piece of software.

32 people like this idea

How does the beta work? Do you know anything else?

Well.. I've purchased some days ago the plugin. I'm really happy with the way how the products can be customized BUT... the PDF output sucks... I need that the PDF exported have certain characteristiques.. and i can configure only a few settings.. Definitely the PDF outuput should be improved...

If you have problems, please reply to the ticket and send me your login credentials for WP and Admin (http://admin.fancyproductdesigner.com/)

I can't make it work neither, still checking after what's wrong...


Any news about beta? I cant make it work. Somebody tested it?


I get that error in logs: Missing envariable expression for SetEnvIf




That's awesome! I'd be glad to participate.

A new solution is waiting for you guys....but first we need your feedback in the beta stage. If you are interested to participate, please create a new ticket and select "Beta Testing" from the products dropdown. Do not forget to enter a correct purchase code as well.

After that you will get a link to access the beta.

Roddy you are really will be our hero:))))


Hello everyone, sorry on the delay work at my business has gone crazy over the last couple weeks. I'll try to have a plugin sorted out in about a week or so

Hello I just saw this plugin and the only answer I am looking now is the press quality PDF. Any news on the better PDF quality?


Goooo Roddy! You're our hero!!
Holy Moley!! I can't wait Roddy!